about me

Welcome to my blog, here I will share things I would want to read myself.

who am I?

I am Constantijn van Hartesveldt. I am a 20 year old student at the Hogeschool Utrecht where I study HBO ict. I am also a WordPress and Next.js developer in the Amsterdam/Utrecht area.

I am also in training for outdoor single pitch climbing instructor(ski3-ov).

In my free time I like to go climbing or anything as long as it is in the mountains.

Me on a mountain overpass

What I like to do

I have a lot of interests. Usually they reside with devops and backend development.

I have professional experience with Next.js and WordPress(ACF, GF, Graphql). In my freetime I have worked with

  • Ansible
  • Kubernetes
  • Linux
  • pen testing CTF challanges


If you want to contact me feel free to send me an email to:

constantijn [%|%] vanhartesveldt.nl

please replace the [%|%] with the at symbol